Tailor-made luxury hotels in South America.
Tailor-made luxury hotels in South America.
Collection of small luxury hotels in remote destinations
Collection of small luxury hotels in remote destinations
Best hotel in the world for 2 consecutive years. Sumba, Indonesia
Best hotel in the world for 2 consecutive years. Sumba, Indonesia
Luxury Cruises
Luxury Cruises
Parque Nacional Los Glaciares. Patagonia Argentina.
Parque Nacional Los Glaciares. Patagonia Argentina.
A boutique hotel. Cartagena de Indias
A boutique hotel. Cartagena de Indias
Private House
Private House
Luxury expedition through Galapagos islands
Luxury expedition through Galapagos islands
Luxury mountain retreat in Montblanc
Luxury mountain retreat in Montblanc
Since 2008 working side by side as digital partners
Since 2008 working side by side as digital partners
Tailor-made luxury hotels in South America.
Tailor-made luxury hotels in South America.
Collection of small luxury hotels in remote destinations
Collection of small luxury hotels in remote destinations
Best hotel in the world for 2 consecutive years. Sumba, Indonesia
Best hotel in the world for 2 consecutive years. Sumba, Indonesia
Luxury Cruises
Luxury Cruises
Parque Nacional Los Glaciares. Patagonia Argentina.
Parque Nacional Los Glaciares. Patagonia Argentina.
A boutique hotel. Cartagena de Indias
A boutique hotel. Cartagena de Indias
Private House
Private House
Luxury expedition through Galapagos islands
Luxury expedition through Galapagos islands
Luxury mountain retreat in Montblanc
Luxury mountain retreat in Montblanc
Since 2008 working side by side as digital partners
Since 2008 working side by side as digital partners
Andalusian Farmhouse perched on the front step of the
Doñana National Park. We sought to blend the
personality of the property with design decisions to
create a site that welcomes the user with the same
warmth and attention that the owners do for their guests.
The vision and objectives that define the project.
Hand-picked and tailor-made interface
(UI) to craft in detail every aspect of the
User Experience (UX)
Mirrors the sophisticated simplicity of Kukutana´s essence
Sleep + Eat
Awe + Explore
Hand-chosen images and video, in
collaboration with the Llorentes, to best
describe what makes the region so special
from an insider’s point of view.
A rich, unique combination that
reflects the character of the house, the
warmth of the surrounding landscape,
and the vibrancy of Andalucia.
Rounded buttons, elegant script
typography, and thoughtful text,
in keeping with the personality of
the family and the experience
they provide.
The spirit of Kukutana, communicated
through design decisions to create an
instant and impactful connection
between the property and its public.
– Human Connection
– Unpretentious Luxury
– Untapped Beauty
Our clients see concrete results from our
work and share how we have re-shaped
their business.
– Statistics (increase in bookings, etc.)
With our touch, the user´s experience goes
from a passive want to an active need, from
a “maybe sometime” to a “let´s go now”.
Drop us a line.