Your guest has evolved, you must come along.

Like other brands, your hotel brand is constantly living and developing. However, this vital movement sometimes gets carried away by the tide, especially in the rough online sea, showing inconsistency between the value you offer and what people perceive. Still, maintaining cohesion is possible if you follow one piece of advice: be aware enough so you can answer ‘yes’ to each of the following questions.

There are so many platforms and communication channels that understanding and paying attention to what’s going on with your brand will give you the chance to fix misleading messages, and deviations, and avoid possible risks. But how exactly?


So, whether your hotel gets favorable online reviews but struggles with direct bookings or you are ready to boost your brand awesomeness, in order to move forward, you first need to know where you stand.

We will start with the basics:

Do you know who is your ideal customer or buyer persona?

What do they expect when interacting with your brand?

And more importantly, what is your value proposition to attract them?


Let’s imagine you have already cleared that up. Have you traced your user’s route from meeting your brand to booking a stay? Sometimes they prefer TripAdvisor or any other booking engine.

Have you wondered why or when they jump from your site to another? Perhaps some relevant statements are missing, or you are not showing the best pictures to spotlight your true value.


We know one truth: there is no universal path to uniqueness, but if you are fully aware of each touchpoint’s performance within your brand experience, you will have the chance to find opportunities, serve your users in each interaction, and guide them to conversion.

The analysis of how your touchpoints connect your audiences to you could direct your steps to cohesiveness, and we’d be glad to assist you with that.


As creative digital partners, we have collaborated with the luxury hospitality industry over the last decade (see our work here) and gleaned some significant insights that inspired us to create an efficient tool we call The Brand Touchpoints Audit, specifically tailored to small luxury hotels.

Your Brand Touchpoints Audit consists of:

  • Buyer personas 360° customer journey.
  • Clear insights about your brand experience.
  • A roadmap of smart efforts for you to apply.

Following our guidance and experience, we will audit your hotel brand throughout all social media channels: brand usage, colors, avatars, messaging, pictures, and calls to action. We will walk in your guests’ shoes from the first Google Search through every touchpoint. After we have learned your user’s path when reaching your services, their expectations, and how you succeed in meeting them, we will deliver a PDF guide of smart efforts your brand can complete to achieve cohesion.

As a luxury hotel, you are all about details, distinction, and exclusivity, and must provide a genuine deal that customers can rely on. Conveying consistent messages is an effective strategy to engage your audience and convert that booking.

You can take your entire brand experience to the next level!

If you are interested we shall explain further about the audit over a conversation call, which you may schedule by following the link.